Here’s to a Healthier New You!



2017 is upon us, and that means another round of New Year’s resolutions. According to Nielsen data, 69% of Americans made a health or fitness related resolution in 2015. The problem is that 80% of those people had given up on those healthy resolutions by the second week of February. So the question is, what can we all do to stay motivated? How can we keep up our will power to make healthy lifestyle changes when there are temptations and obstacles all around?

It may sound cheesy, but positive thinking is a very powerful thing. Because health and fitness have to do with our bodies, it’s a common problem that we focus only on the body. But our body can only do what our MIND tells it to do. For many people there comes a time in their fitness program when things get harder, and then come the two words that can stall any new venture – “I can’t.” These moments are very real, but you are so much stronger than that little negative voice in your head. Try to turn negative thoughts into positive affirmations. Instead of saying “I can’t do that” try saying “I’m going to learn how to do that.” I’m sure there are already many ways in which you choose to stay positive without even realizing it; like holding out hope that a parking space will open up close to the front door, or that you’ll get those concert tickets at a better price. Those are positive thoughts, and you’re thinking them because you really want that parking spot or those concert tickets. I personally love to start my day by listing 3 things I’m grateful for in the morning when I make coffee, just to get the positivity flowing. I also like to write myself notes like “be kind to yourself” or “you got this!” and stick them in random pockets in bags and jackets for me to find later. You’d be surprised how often those notes turn up RIGHT when they’re needed most.

The other thing absolutely necessary to accomplish your 2017 fitness goals? Patience. In a world full of instant gratification, the first thing we should all do is become VERY comfortable with the fact that our bodies will not change overnight. One of my favorite fitness sayings is “in 2 weeks you’ll feel it, in 4 weeks you’ll see it, and in 8 weeks everyone else will start to see it.” The understanding that quality and real change take time is the little voice you should have in your head, and that voice will also help keep the negativity at bay. Having patience for your changing body is a form of positivity, basically reminding you to be nice to yourself.  So if you really want to stick to your 2017 resolution, be positive and tell yourself that you WILL reach your goals, with healthy habits and exercise that works best for you. Because we are all unique, make the choices that work for your body and mind to achieve your goal – a healthier you.

So now, here’s your first little bit of pre 2017 motivation – YOU CAN DO IT!!! You are everything you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, and you deserve it. Happy New Year everybody! Make 2017 a good one!

-by Savannah Swafford, METFitness Coordinator

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